Lucile van Laecken // Un Voyage d’Antan

Lucile van Laecken // Un Voyage d’Antan © Eric Danhier

Lucile van Laecken // Un Voyage d’Antan


Chaussée de Vilvorde 5c Vilvoordsesteenweg
1020 Brussels

Date of completion


1020 Laken

Web history

This work was created by Brussels artist Lucile Van Laecken. For this project, she focused on the representation of the Laeken landscape. “Voyage d’Antan” depicts a walk during the Green Year, the appearance of Belgium’s first railway line and the birth of the workers’ movement. Lucile Van Laecken takes us on a journey into Laeken’s past. A key element in this story, the locomotive acts as a conductor on a timeline, inviting spectators to take a chronological journey from the 18th to the 19th century.